Holistic Health Counseling 

Price : 130 GBP (22.900 kr)

Holistic Health Counseling for Optimal Health

Initial Assessment

You begin with sharing your health goals, specific concerns

and/or your results from metabolic assessments and blood


Customized Program for you

We will create a customized program including a healthy

meal plan and suggestions for supportive supplements

based on your specific goals

Personalized Recommendations

Detailed nutrition plan that outlines what foods to incorporate into your diet, portion sizes, meal timing and the specific supplements that may benefit you. This personalized

approach ensures that the plan aligns with your preferences

and lifestyle.

Ongoing support and Re-evaluation

We offer ongoing support to help you stay on track in your

journey towards better health and quality of life.


Ásdís Ragna Einarsdóttir, 

Medical herbalist BSc

University of East London

Master of public health MPH

University of Iceland

Book appointment

Changing your diet

Changing your diet is a gradual process that involves forming new habits and making sustainable choices.

A balanced and nutritious diet is the foundation for a healthy lifestyle and may support your body's natural functions. Ready to embark on a journey to better health?  


We offer ongoing support 

Ongoing support to help you stay on track in your

journey towards better health and quality of life.

There is no quick solution to better health, so we prefer to talk about a changed lifestyle and altered eating habits rather than weight loss or a diet. We provide you with good tools to make long-term changes that will improve your health.